Automatic Copy Trading
Manage your crypto portfolio from a single dashboard.
View the Top Traders from the Top Crypto Exchanges and copy their trades on your portfolio efficiently.
Top Traders Leaderboard
Access the list of the top 100 traders and analyse their latest trades.
Advanced Algorithm
Our algorithms target the most successful traders, removing the least profitable from the leaderboard.
Referral Rewards
Get up to 40% commission for every user who signs up to the platform using your NanoDATA link!
Choose from the top exchanges in the world.
Copy your trades. Make profit like a boss.
Sign up and enjoy the most versatile crypto trading platform.
The leading Crypto Investment platform that provides high returns.
About US
What is NanoDATA
NanoDATA allows it's users to view Top Traders from Binance. Our robust algorithms on the backend generate an ROI and statistics report of each traders. We list down up to 40 top traders. NanoDATA users can find the most profit making trader and start following in just one click. Users can also follow multiple traders at once.
Crypto Portfolio Investment Platform and a one window solution.
Analytics and Statistics from Top Traders in the world.
AI model filters out best traders with highest ROI.
For Whom
How it Works?
As soon as the followed trader will open a new position. That trade would be copied to the user account on the designated exchange. Users can securely add their APIs and purchase our affordable subscription to make profits in hundreds and thousands
Easy and secure way to integrate your API.
Follow the best trader and relax the trades would be executed.
Keep track record of your Profit and Loss.